Metatron’s Cube origami
An app that allows you to make origami Platonic solids based on Metatron’s Cube – view project.

Isometric shapes
Design exploration and experimentation with isometric shapes and colours. Sometimes it’s fun to design something just to make something and to see where you end up without having an end goal in mind – view project.

New Zealand travel
Based on the physical passenger arrival card people fill out when they enter the country with the intention of time educating people about what items they can bring with them into New Zealand. The app is designed for travellers to ensure they have an awesome trip and are made aware of New Zealand’s strict biosecurity laws – view project.

Rich McNabb font
I wanted to build upon Herbert Bayer’s 1925 experimental universal typeface and create a simple geometric vector font and make it publically available as a free download. This had three main objectives: I wanted to become more experienced with vector software such as Sketch or Illustrator, I wanted to build up my design portfolio. And, lastly, I wanted to give something back to the design community – view project.

Travel rewards
In some ways, digital design is the complete opposite of creating a sculpture. With sculptures, you start with something solid and over time chip it down and refine it until you arrive at the vision you have in your head. With digital design, it’s the reverse you start with a rough sketch and iterate, add details and polish until it meets your expectations. Digital designs, however, is far more forgiving than sculpture – view project.

30 Minutes to Mars font
I wanted to create a simple geometric vector font and make it publically available as a free download. This served three main objectives: I wanted to become more experienced with vector software such as Sketch or Illustrator, I wanted to build up my design portfolio. Lastly, I wanted to give something back to the design community – view project.