1. I’m a qualified barista
I love everything to do with coffee. A few years back, I decided to do an intensive 3-Day “City & Guilds International Award in Barista Skills” course to learn more about making better coffee at home. To be fair, I tell most people I’m a qualified barista so you may already know this.

2. I had a black belt in Taekwon-Do
When I was 15, I earned a black belt in Taekwon-Do and the same year became a New Zealand National Referee and Judge. Even though I haven’t done Taekwon-Do for years, I still love the sport and watching martial art movies.

3. I’m extremely allergic to tomatoes (among other things)
When I was in my mid-20’s, I developed an allergy to dairy and nightshade (tomato, capsicum and potato) which makes eating out difficult, yet not impossible. Oh, did I mention I’m also allergic to bees?

4. I collect TOOL vinyl
My first introduction to the band was after their 3rd studio release, Ænima in 1996 and I’ve been a MASSIVE fan ever since. I became a member of TOOL Army (fan club) in 2005 and have been lucky enough to see them perform live in concert three times.

5. I caught my first wave at 10
When I was 10 years old, I caught my first wave after borrowing a friend’s bodyboard. The unforgettable feeling of catching a wave has stayed with me ever since. I transitioned from bodyboarding to surfing in 2007 and have not looked back. The photo below was taken at an artificial wave at Adventure Parc in Snowdonia, Wales

6. I used to work in tech support
In a past life, I used to work in tech support for network and servers. It was a great job while I was travelling and I was able to pick-up work relatively easily. However, when I got back to New Zealand in 2006 I decided to retrain and began studying Design, which is the second-best job I’ve ever had.

7. I taught sailing in America
The best job I’ve ever had was teaching American kids how to sail, kayak and canoe in upstate New York. As an American Red Cross Lifeguard, I worked on the lake at Camp Lokanda for four years between 2003-2006. Besides America, I’ve also lived and worked in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

8. I met my wife while we were both working at a summer camp
I met my Canadian wife, Alison in 2003 while we were both working as Counselors at Camp Lokanda. We got married in 2007, bought a house, have a couple of kids and a dog. My brother met his wife when they were both working at the same summer camp as well.

9. Fell off a ladder when I was designing a health and safety app
I broke my leg while I was painting our house and I fell off the ladder. At the hospital, I had to fill out a form explaining how the accident happened.
Current employer: ACC (New Zealand Health & Safety)
What are you doing for them: Designing an app for Health and Safety (there was a module on working on ladders).
Well played, irony :)

10. I’ve had 15 minutes of TV fame
I broke my scapula (shoulder blade) in three places a couple of weeks after purchasing a new mountain bike. I went over the handlebars riding downhill, the bike flipped and the seat catapulted into my shoulder.
I got back to my feet and tried walking the bike down the hill, however, I was in too much pain. I asked a friend to call 111 (NZ emergency) to see if someone could come to get me. At the very least, I was expecting a quad bike or jeep.
My heart sunk when I saw a helicopter coming over the horizon and my initial thought was “I hope my shoulder’s broken and not just a deep bruise” as I would never live it down. When the helicopter landed, rescue people jumped out along with a camera crew. They asked me to sign a waiver giving my permission to be filmed. I’m not really a huge fan of reality TV, however, I was in so much pain I was happy to sign whatever to get down the mountain.
Fast forward six weeks later, when I took my bike back into the shop for a complimentary service… my arm still in a sling.

Let’s collaborate
Get in contact to tell me a little about yourself and your project and I’d be happy to help you out – send me an email.